Series 79: Finders

Taken from our Series 79 Online Guide Finders

Instead of (or in addition to) a placement agent, issuers may employ one or more finders to locate potential investors. Finders may be registered broker-dealers, but are not required to be, as long as they limit their activities to introducing prospective investors to an issuer. Unregistered finders cannot by law promote or recommend securities to a prospective investor, develop terms, or negotiate for either the issuer or investor. Moreover, unregistered finders’ compensation must be either a flat fee or a percentage fee that is not contingent on the closing of a securities sale. Issuers are required to disclose any finder’s fees.

Registered broker-dealers and registered representatives are generally prohibited from splitting their compensation with an unregistered finder. However, under certain circumstances, a registered broker-dealer may share its compensation with an unregistered foreign finder who brings in a f

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