What are people saying?
The Exam Prep online exams solidified the material in my mind and allowed me to use the timer to think quickly. Although the Series 65 exam is not a race, time is a key factor. I finished the test in about and hour and 10 minutes and then spent 20 minutes going back to review the questions I marked, a couple of which I had to use logic to guess what the terms meant (always dangerous to use logic when it comes to this stuff). After completing I pressed the button to submit it for grading and the whole while my heart was pounding as I thought for sure I failed due to the length of time it took to grade (I am certain the computer was laughing at my getting so many ridiculous questions on one test). Lo and behold when the screen returned I got an 82 and I don't think that I could have done it with out your book and your online tests to hammer the info in to my head. At 45 years of age having been removed from college for to many years it was quite an arduous task especially with out a class and about 2 months to prepare part time on my own. So in a long winded way thanks I am sure I could not have passed the Series 65 without your help.
Roger Vertes, Boston, MA
After failing the SIE with a different study company, I passed after using Solomon! I then passed the S6, S63 and S65 on the first try after studying with Solomon materials! I loved how easy the material was to comprehend and the practice tests were amazing! I felt well prepared for each test! Thank you Solomon!
Sara Hays, State Farm. Atascadero, CA
I could not be
happier with Solomon Exam Prep and I am so glad I found it. I had
taken this test prior and wasn't able to pass. After utilizing
the Total Study Package for the Series 65, including the book, audiobook, summary videos and practice tests, I felt very confident clicking the
submit button at the end of the test. I would highly recommend Solomon
Exam Prep to pass your upcoming test.
Dane Urista, Vincent Asset Management, Eden Prairie, MN
I used you guys when I sat for the Series 7 two weeks prior and passed that bad boy too. The Solomon books are awesome and allowed me to pass these challenging exams [Series 65 and Series 7] the first time. Highly recommended. Thank you.
Jonathan Freehill,
Houston, TX
Thanks again for all your help. Loved the study materials and the book was very well written and easy to read. [Series 65]
Josh J.
Solana Beach, CA
I passed my series 65 exam on the first attempt! The books and sample questions are always very helpful. I leveraged this course with another program that was offered to me. I did mainly use this one and found the material very helpful. Overall, I would say the test questions that were in the book and online were much more difficult than the exam itself. I do like the crash course piece, but would also love the option of a instructional video which is what the other course offered. I learn not just by readying, but visually as well. The combination of the two were very helpful, but overall I felt the material, especially the sample test questions, were more comprehensive. Thank you for the material.
Ken Kramer
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