Series 51 Online Exam Simulator Hits New Milestone

We are proud to announce that our Online Exam Simulator for the Series 51 has now reached over 1,000 test questions! Continue reading

prod_sim51One year ago Solomon Exam Prep published study materials for the MSRB exams. Since publication we have been consistently adding to our material, specifically our Online Exam Simulator database. We are proud to announce that our Online Exam Simulator for the Series 51 has now reached over 1,000 test questions! This means that a student can take 16 full practice exams without seeing a repeat question. This is a huge milestone and one we are proud to share.

We are constantly updating and adding to all of our material in an effort to give our students the best chance of passing their exams. The Series 51 has been a tricky exam, but we have learned a lot over the past year and adjusted our materials accordingly. We are excited to reach this milestone and look forward to reaching many more!

Solomon’s Online Exam Simulator

Check out a video overview of Solomon Exam Prep’s industry leading Online Exam Simulator. Continue reading

This is a video overview of Solomon Exam Prep’s industry leading Online Exam Simulator.

The Solomon Online Exam Simulator is an essential tool in studying for your FINRA, NASAA, or MSRB exam. Solomon Exam Simulators are updated on a daily basis and contain 1,000’s of high quality practice exam questions with detailed rationales.

To order exam prep materials please head to our main website or give us a call at 503.601.0212.