I will help you pass your licensing exam . . . What am I?

Willing to try anything to pass your securities exam? Here’s a tip you may want to consider! Continue reading

I’m a walnut!

If you’re looking for an edge on an upcoming securities exam, you may want to chow down on a couple of walnuts prior to your test.  A recent study suggests that walnut consumption provides a boost in cognitive brain functions. That said, you may want to think twice before adding this tactic to your study strategy. Students involved in the study were asked to consume one-half cup of walnuts, daily, for eight weeks—that’s a whole lot of walnuts!


A recent study finds that consumption of walnuts improves critical thinking.


At Solomon, we know the sure fire way to a first-time pass is through structured study—reading, testing, instruction and practice! That’s why our first-time pass rate (89.5%) is consistently strong.  Solomon’s study materials consist of exam study guides, online exam simulators, audiobooks, online video lectures, online study courses, workbooks and mobile apps and are designed to engage both the financial services novice and expert to ensure absorption of exam topics and application of those concepts within a testing environment. The authors of the materials and instructors of the courses bring a wealth of industry knowledge, as well as a deep understanding of adult learning strategies, the latter setting Solomon Exam Prep apart for other securities exam prep companies.

We also understand that every little bit helps. So, let us give you a nut! Use coupon code WALNUT15 upon your next purchase to receive 15% off individual study materials (Not applicable to study packages. Expires 12/31/2012).

Happy studying!

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